Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Grading Scale - 1835 Words

Grading Scale 2 Robert Hernandez English 102 Research paper Grading Scale Anyone who has attended a high school or college will readily say that one of the most stressful aspects of the entire experience is grades. Students will loose hours of sleep per night poring over textbooks, clutching a pen in one hand and a mug of Starbucks coffee in the other. They soon foster an obsession with achieving and maintaining perfect grades to the point where anything that earns less than A is a disgusting failure. The lengths students go to in hopes of attaining good grades is maximal, often including the exchange of cash or sexual favors with their superiors for changed grades! It had been postulated that instructors are more likely to†¦show more content†¦Unfortunately, the behavior of high-school and college students in terms of sleep can eventually mutate into an unhealthy obsession with their grades. It is also well known that the majority of students have a preoccupation with perfection, primarily in terms of their grades. Students will pro cure good grades by any means necessary if they re desperate enough. One particular case is Grading Scale 5 illustrated in Diverse Issues in Higher Education, where two Florida Memorial University employees were charged with receiving payments anywhere from $75 to $600 to change more than 650 grades for 122 students over a period of three years. Ellis Peet (a computer technician in the registrar s office) and Clifton Franklin ( data entry clerk) took cash and sexual favors in return for changing the grades of students, and reportedly are alumni who also changed their own grades(10-11). Not only computer hackers and desperate students are known for soliciting changed grades, though; sports coaches have been caught in attempts to keep their star athletes on the team! Donald Silveri coach of the national ranked Erie Community College in Buffalo- said the players had no knowledge of his actions, which took place over three years. Silveri estimated he changed grades for between 10 and 15 players, but refused to disclose their names. Silveri said he acted to help inner-city stud ents who had little chance of surviving academically gain successShow MoreRelatedThe Grading Scale Of The Composition963 Words   |  4 Pagespoor composition. Had the student stayed on topic instead of including irrelevant descriptions, the sentence would have flowed much easier. The grading scale of the composition can range from insufficient in the result of imprecise ideas; to excellent, being that there was a focus on the main idea and an elaborated amount of details were supplied. The English language mechanics in are the written conventions that do not occur in the oral dialect. A few of the common conventions are capitalizationRead MoreGrade Inflation Writing Assignment : Educational Performance Essay1045 Words   |  5 Pagesgrade inflation, one must start by taking a look at the scale used for grading. Most institutions use a grading system of A 100-90, B 89-80, C 79-70, D 69-60 and F 59. We can assume most professors are not rewarding students their overall grades merely on participation and behavior. Let us consider two basic types of performance measurement systems; Norm-referenced and Criterion- referenced. Norm-referenced system, also known as a relative grading system is a system in which every student’s grade isRead MoreTypes of Grading Sytems668 Words   |  3 PagesTypes of Grading Systems By Ashley Leary, eHow Contributor *    *    *    * Print this article Schools use grading systems to communicate with students and parents about student performance. 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This is appropriateRead MoreGrade Inflation Is A New Pandemic Within America And Academia1674 Words   |  7 Pageshas rose and students are simp ly performing better and receiving higher marks. The second theory is that as our cultural ideas of success leads us to the assumption that a grade less than an A is a failure, that teachers and professors have begun grading more leniently to encourage more students to receive high marks. This is a problem for three reasons. Firstly, raising average GPA’s allow less differentiation between different levels of students; in an easy course a genius student will receive theRead MoreGrade Inflation And High Grades931 Words   |  4 Pagesreports that class size could also be a factor in the inflation of grades. â€Å"Departments with smaller student-faculty ratios have a greater tendency to exaggerate grades because those instructors have less job security than their colleagues in larger-scale college divisions,† she remarks. Katsikas also states that certain subject areas, such as English, music, and speech, are more prone to inflation than others, as shown by a study con ducted at the University of North Texas. The most common reason forRead MorePros and Cons of Using a Plus-Minus Grading System Essay6726 Words   |  27 PagesStudent and Faculty Views of Plus-Minus Grading Systems Working Paper Series—07-11 | December 2007 Jim Morgan (928) 523-7385 Gary Tallman Robert Williams All professors at: Northern Arizona University The W. A. Franke College of Business PO Box 15066 Flagstaff, AZ 86011.5066 Student and Faculty Views of Plus-Minus Grading Systems Introduction Many colleges and universities have adopted or are considering adopting a grading system that provides a larger numberRead MoreGrade Inflation And High Grades Inflation1347 Words   |  6 Pagesthat they’ve been around a long time, but more of that’s what everyone is used to and that’s how people expect to be graded.   Ã‚  Ã‚   This A-F grading has brought along with it plenty of negative consequences. One of these consequences is the pressure and stress placed onto teachers. In his article, Jaschik says â€Å"Students are punishing professors for tougher grading† and â€Å"More students also said that they would not recommend these professors.† (â€Å"A for Effort†). But what does that do for the teachersRead MoreGrade Inflation Is The Biggest Issue1781 Words   |  8 Pagesto start solving the problems, we need to start looking at what has caused them in the first place, grades.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, this A-F grading system has brought along with it plenty of negative consequences. One of the consequences is the pressure and stress placed onto teachers. In his article, Jaschik says â€Å"Students are punishing professors for tougher grading† and â€Å"More students also said that they ‘would not recommend’ these professors.† (â€Å"A for Effort†). But what does that do for the teachers

Monday, December 16, 2019

Trait Oriented Personality And Personality Traits - 894 Words

Trait-Oriented Personality Trait-oriented personality theorists suggest that personality is an internal trait is born and breed within the individual. Gordon Allport a psychologist categorized the excess of 40,000 words in the dictionary that describe personality traits in 1936. Allport separated these personality traits into cardinal traits, central traits and secondary traits. These traits each affect the individual in different ways throughout their life. Cardinal traits dominate throughout a lifetime such as an individual is boisterous. Central traits Allport theorizes these traits develop overtime as each individual develops their own moral compass, intelligent, honest and shy all would be considered central traits according to Allport’s theory. Allport’s final category is called secondary traits these traits pertain to limited situations and are predictable to similar situations however can be out of character for an individual’s day to day life, for insta nce, getting stuck in unpredicted traffic that causes one to be very late and take an unexplained amount of time to dissipate. This traffic situation may cause a usually calm individual to act irrational, this behavior is likely to occur in other unpredictable situation such as long lines and large crowds. Sixteen Personality Factors Building upon or perhaps I should say paring down Allport’s theory Raymond Cattell reduced the more than four thousand personality traits identified by Allport.Show MoreRelatedPersonality theory1733 Words   |  7 Pagesof the five core personality traits described in the big five theory of personality. This trait is characterized by sociability, assertiveness, emotional expressiveness and excitability. People who are high in this trait are often described as being outgoing ad talkative, while those low in this trait are described as quiet and reserved. An extroverted disposition ; concern with what is outside the self rather what is inside. Introversion is one of the major personality traits identified in manyRead MoreThe Big 5 And Job Satisfaction1307 Words   |  6 PagesThe Big 5 in personality research has been correlated with many variables and factors. The following study uses a meta analysis procedure to evaluate the relationship between the Big 5 and job satisfaction rates and answer the following questions. You may also use your text in addition to help clarify information. Judge, T.A., Heller, D. Mount, M.K. (2002). Five-Factor Model of Personality and Job Satisfaction: A Meta Analysis. Journal of Applied PsychologyRead MoreLiterature Review : Self Esteem Essay2250 Words   |  9 Pagesboth state-like and trait-like and also appears to be multi-dimensional (Weinberg and Gould, 2010). However, self-efficacy is a situational form of self-confidence regarding the belief about one’s capability to perform a specific task (Bandura, 1986). Despite the relatedness of these constructs, for the purpose of this research, only self-esteem will be focused on. There is much debate amongst researchers as to whether self-esteem should be considered as a personality trait, therefore remainingRead MoreDefining the Concept of Personality3074 Words   |  12 Pagesthere is no absolute or generally agreed upon definition of personality. They claim that personality has as many definitions as there are personality theorists and researchers. Personality can be of psychological importance when traits defining such personality provide information as to what a person is really like according to Williams, Saiz, FormyDuval, Munick, Fogle, Adom, Ahams, Neto, and Jiayuan (1995). They state that some traits are more diagnostic in essence as they provide informationRead MoreOperant Conditioning : The Response Of The Operant928 Words   |  4 Pagespredicted Bandura’s and Mischel’s Basic Assumptions (Olson Hergenhahn, 2011, pp. 323-355) †¢ Social-Cognitive Theory – Behavior originates in social and cognitive ways o Freedom vs. Determinism ï‚ § Humans do not have a free-will ï‚ § Human behavior is goal-oriented ï‚ § One can influence both behavior and environment o Mind-Body Relationship – Thoughts are not confined to cognitive action but are a product of advanced brain function Rogers’ and Maslow’s Basic Assumptions (Olson Hergenhahn, 2011, pp. 435-499)Read MoreDifferences Between Female And Female Brains1632 Words   |  7 PagesHow Men and Women Mentally Develop Differently in Adulthood This research paper will set out to understand how personality traits change in early and middle adulthood by examining the Big Five personality trait dimensions (Goldberg, 1992; John Srivastava, 1999; McCrae Costa, 1999). It will be particularly interesting examining whether change on all of the Big Five dimensions stops or slows in middle adulthood, as predicted by the five-factor theory, or whether change is ongoing and differentiatedRead MoreWho Is Serving As A Customer Service Manager For A Major Retail Bank1209 Words   |  5 Pagesinternal employee, legal entities and government agencies. Based on the Five Factor Personality Model, the author received a score of high as an extravert and moderate with other personality types with the exception of agreeableness with a low. This research paper will examine if the personality scores that the author received are aligned with the authors career choice by discussing organizational and individuals personality type advisement from scholarly article research. The Five Factor Model is anRead MoreThe Theories Of Leadership Styles1445 Words   |  6 Pages(Burnes, B., Cooke, B. (2013). A democratic leadership style is an exact opposite of an autocratic style. Instead of it being a sole leader directing the entire group, the group collectively gives input and assigns tasks. The emphasis is team-oriented goals Kurt Lewin has found this style of leadership to be the most productive (Burnes Cooke, 2013). Maslow’s motivational theory explains why teamwork contributes to a more productive atmosphere. Maslow’s third hierarchy of needs is social or loveRead MoreThe Leadership Theory And Practice1170 Words   |  5 Pagesunrest (also referred to just as Ferguson) was a series of protests and civil disorder that began the day after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by a police officer on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri. The purpose of this paper identified trait theories, leadership theories and characteristics that have molded or are molding the policing culture. Change must occur if the culture of police organizations are going to meet the demands of the 21st century and several issues affecting this changeRead MorePerfectionism As A Multidimensional Personality Disposition Essay1284 Words   |  6 Pagesperfect is impossible. But the ability to achieve the impossible is the temptress. Perfectionism has been described as a multidimensional personality disposition. Indicating that the multiple dimensions can show either different or opposite correlations with maladaptive or adaptive psychological processes (Stoeber, Corr, Smith, Saklofske, 2016). It is a personality disposition that can be characterized by a striving for flawlessness and setting exceedingly high standards for oneself. These standards

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Design Processes and Methods Reflection Paper

Question: Discuss about theDesign Processes and Methods Reflection Paper. Answer: Introduction The knowledge on pharmaceuticals and their applications in relevance to designing processes pushed my desire for understanding how they improve health of individuals and the community. I have had admiration for designing processes and methods alike and the manner with which they are applicable in the enhancement of day to day activities. To this effect, I have attended workshops on the usability of these designing methods and procedures, making the content in the paper not new to me at all. However, I wanted to refresh my knowledge on designing methods, and not only did the workshop play the role of a refresher, but I also learned new techniques. The new ideas I gained in the course of these workshops on designing techniques and their applicability in pharmacy rejuvenated my desire to understand more design methods. I have been working as a pharmacist for the past nine years and been issuing medicine to sick people on a daily basis, and have noted the changes in customer relations ea ch and every day. Health system is an organization of institution, resources and people which deliver medical care in order to meet the requirements of the population targeted. Therefore, design processes and methods are the motivating factors that facilitate the achievement of the desired delivery of medical care to patients. The basic concepts of design methods stipulate the manner in which they serve in the improvement of medical conditions of an individual, and the population. Particularly in Saudi Arabia, the health care systems are of low quality and sub standardized, and their affordability is difficult to the ordinary citizens (Hall, Tokars, Badreddine, Saad, Furukawa, Al Masri Trivedi, 2014). Patient-centered medical home (PCMH) offers care aimed at transforming delivery of primary healthcare to adolescents, children and adults (Creswell, 2013). It seeks for the improvement in effectiveness, efficiency and quality of care delivered while taking utmost considerations on the preferences and needs of patients. I understood that the adoption of concepts of PCMH benefits my practices in the field, to my patients and the nation as a while in the provisions of relevant healthcare. The practices of PCMH include practices led by physicians which allows patients access a personal expert, full process of orientation that provides comprehensive care and access to the facilities. Additional concepts include coordinated and integrated care which states the steps to ensure patients receive services, and a focus laid on safety and quality. Design research methods facilitate the creation of new systems for delivery that helps to achieve the aforementioned aims of these techniques and is based on quality research (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). The research is conducted through the exploration of smaller sizes of targeted samples and questions on how and why are elaborated on efficiently. As a result, it enhances better understanding of the cultural, aesthetic and emotional context of products hence helping me with appropriate methodologies on assessing the challenges in my work settings. I understood that this concept helps me improving my work to greater heights as it tailors healthcare services to the needs of my clients and the community I serve. The results of the methodology I conducted were based on cultural differences, disparity in income, education levels, insurance coverages gaps, and barriers to accessing healthcare services (Almalki, FitzGerald Clark, 2012). These helped me to overcome the constant discontentment by patients and the community on my pharmaceuticals as they provided a better understanding of the design processes better. Additionally, these results, as stated by my facilitator, are indispensable for the creation of design objects meant for improved methods in the delivery of healthcare services. My research insight was categorized into three major groups, community, individuals and individuals and community intersection, and they originated from the opinions of respondents. One of the respondents interviewed said that he wished he had more time and money for his treatment and cream which are expensive, but his children were his first priority in life. Lately, I have been experiencing challenges in implementing the knowledge on designing methods in my pharmacy business in order to improve my efficiency. Inherently, the understanding of designing processes and methods would take my work to greater levels and my objective for attending this workshop was to enhance better understanding. I achieved this through the many activities I was involved in, group processing and demonstrations from my group facilitator on better pharmaceutical practices and handing of customers. Therefore, the experience I gained from this workshop is applicable to my working environment. It is my firm conviction that I will improve as an individual and apply the knowledge and skills learned in tackling daily hurdles. I am looking forward to implementing PCMH concepts and design research methods to my work so as to improve the quality of services I offer. These would include organizations of clinics led by pharmacists and formulate management pf recycling medications as a means of preventing environmental pollution. Additionally it will prevent the use of disposed plastics of medicine that are capable of casing adverse effects to an individual leading to diseases such as cancer. These fresh ideas will help me in catering for my patients with more precision as I will have knowledge on the expected standards of medicinal care ought to be dispensed. I will be in a better position to tackle challenges, excitements, and mechanisms of fighting each and every problem that presents itself efficiently. I have developed a better understanding and technical know-how on the operations of concepts of designs and I feel adequately prepared to facilitate the implementation of these new ideas to my recognition on the applicability of design methods to improve work environments has changed for the better and I am excited in carrying on these concepts to my clinic and workstation. My expectations were far much exceeded by this workshop and I am more knowledgeable, prepared and confident, and more than excited in facilitating quality design programs for my patients. References Almalki, M. J., FitzGerald, G., Clark, M. (2012). The relationship between quality of work life and turnover intention of primary health care nurses in Saudi Arabia.BMC health services research,12(1), 1. Creswell, J. W. (2013).Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications. Hall, A. J., Tokars, J. I., Badreddine, S. A., Saad, Z. B., Furukawa, E., Al Masri, M., ... Trivedi, S. U. (2014). Health care worker contact with MERS patient, Saudi Arabia.Emerging infectious diseases,20(12), 2148-2152. Kutzin, J. (2013). Health financing for universal coverage and health system performance: concepts and implications for policy.Bulletin of the World Health Organization,91(8), 602-611. Rennke, S., Nguyen, O. K., Shoeb, M. H., Magan, Y., Wachter, R. M., Ranji, S. R. (2013). Hospital-initiated transitional care interventions as a patient safety strategy: a systematic review.Annals of internal medicine,158(5_Part_2), 433-440. Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., DeVault, M. (2015).Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Harvest Victory and Seeds of Defeat Essay Example

The Harvest Victory and Seeds of Defeat Essay The Second World War is the largest single event in human history, fought across six of the worlds seven continents and all its oceans. It killed 50 million human beings; left hundreds of millions of others wounded in mind or body and materially devastated much of the heartland of civilization.1The seeds of victory or defeat are sowed after every battle. The defeated, hurt and embarrassed by the loss, will be motivated to reevaluate their strategy in their best effort to ensure that their victory will be the result of the next altercation. The defeated party will more actively pursue excellence. This approach will help them to get better and improve their tactics to ensure future success. This method of actively seeking to get better sows the seeds of future victories for the once defeated party. However, in victory, it is important that one does not fall victim to sowing seeds of defeat. This inactive approach involves becoming complacent and downplaying the importance of reevaluating ones strategy. It is compounded by not recognizing that every encounter following your previous victory is different, both you and your opponent have sown different seeds of battle readiness and the result of that time of cultivating your knowledge of each other and tactics will decide the war victor. In battle, our harvest is our willingness to accept defeat and learn from it. Like the cliche goes, we only reap what we sow, our investment in ourselves and our environment is vital. This paper will examine the following three countries: France, Germany and Britain up until December 1941. These counties have won and lost their fair share of battles during the Second World War. This paper will evaluate if the most effective lessons were learnt by each country and, if not, what was the consequence of a bad â€Å"harvest† of knowledge, intelligence or behavior. What should these countries have done to harvest the best fruits war had to offer? We will write a custom essay sample on The Harvest Victory and Seeds of Defeat specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Harvest Victory and Seeds of Defeat specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Harvest Victory and Seeds of Defeat specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer France’s

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Women on a Beach Essays

Women on a Beach Essays Women on a Beach Essay Women on a Beach Essay Women on a beach discussion After reading and analyzing the poem Women on a beach written by Ann Michaels, I have noticed many occurrences of imagery and the use of literal and figurative language manipulated into the poem. The first use of imagery is when Ann uses light chooses white sails, the bellies of gulls. Ann is describing the scene of the poem in a unique way so that its not very dull and boring and makes it more amusing for the reader. Since its the first line of the poem, you want to engage the reader to continue reading by making it interesting. Another case of imagery that appears in the poem is when Ann says, the beach glows grainy under the suns copper pressure. This is another unique way that Ann uses to describe the scene because she points out that the heat from the sun is shinning down onto the sand and its very hot out making it glow. Shes explaining the temperature of the setting In intonating way making it more interactive for the reader. An additional use of imagery that Ann uses in her poem is when she says, the wind finger against your cheek like a tendril of hair. This is describing the slight breeze that is taking place In the scene using personification. Shes attributing human characteristic to something nonhuman, which in this case is the wind. In conclusion, Ann Michaels used Imagery throughout her poem to transform the everyday Into the unique. Cyrus Montreal

Friday, November 22, 2019

Otto Bayer and the History of Polyurethane

Otto Bayer and the History of Polyurethane Polyurethane is an organic polymer  composed of  organic  units joined by  carbamate (urethane) links. While most polyurethanes are  thermosetting polymers  that do not melt when heated,  thermoplastic polyurethanes  are also available. According to the Alliance of The Polyurethane Industry,  Polyurethanes are formed by reacting a polyol (an alcohol with more than two reactive hydroxyl groups per molecule) with a diisocyanate or a polymeric isocyanate in the presence of suitable catalysts and additives. Polyurethanes are best known to the public in the form of flexible foams: upholstery, mattresses,  earplugs, chemical-resistant coatings, specialty adhesives and  sealants, and packaging. It also comes to the rigid forms of insulation for buildings, water heaters, refrigerated transport, and commercial and residential refrigeration. Polyurethane products often are simply called â€Å"urethanes†, but should not be confused with  ethyl carbamate, which is also called urethane. Polyurethanes neither contain nor are produced from ethyl carbamate. Otto Bayer Otto Bayer and co-workers at IG Farben  in Leverkusen, Germany,  discovered and patented the chemistry of polyurethanes in 1937.  Bayer (1902 - 1982) developed the novel polyisocyanate-polyaddition process. The basic idea which he documents from March 26, 1937, relates to spinnable products made of hexane-1,6-diisocyanate (HDI) and hexa-1,6-diamine (HDA). Publication of German Patent DRP 728981 on November 13, 1937: A process for the production of polyurethanes and polyureas. The team of inventors consisted of  Otto Bayer, Werner Siefken, Heinrich Rinke, L. Orthner and H. Schild. Heinrich Rinke   Octamethylene diisocyanate and butanediol-1,4 are the units of a polymer produced by Heinrich Rinke. He called this area of polymers polyurethanes, a name which was soon to become known worldwide for an extremely versatile class of materials.   Right from the start, trade names were given to polyurethane products. Igamid ® for plastics materials, Perlon ® for fibers.   William Hanford  and  Donald Holmes   William Edward Hanford and Donald Fletcher Holmes invented a process for making the multipurpose material polyurethane. Other Uses In 1969, Bayer exhibited an all-plastic car in  Dà ¼sseldorf, Germany. Parts of this car, including the body panels, were made using a new process called  reaction injection molding  (RIM), in which the reactants were mixed and then injected into a mold. The addition of fillers produced reinforced RIM (RRIM), which provided improvements in  flexural modulus  (stiffness), reduction in coefficient of thermal expansion  and better thermal stability. By using this technology, the first plastic-body automobile was introduced in the United States in 1983. It was called the  Pontiac Fiero. Further increases in stiffness were obtained by incorporating pre-placed glass mats into the RIM mold cavity, called resin injection molding, or structural RIM. Polyurethane foam (including foam rubber) is sometimes made using small amounts of  blowing agents  to give less dense foam, better cushioning/energy absorption or thermal insulation. In the early 1990s, because of their impact on  ozone depletion, the  Montreal Protocol  restricted the use of many  chlorine-containing blowing agents. By the late 1990s, blowing agents such as  carbon dioxide and pentane were widely used in North America and the EU.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Self-Sacrifice and the Leadership Effectiveness Essay

Self-Sacrifice and the Leadership Effectiveness - Essay Example Further, self-sacrifice can help groups particularly faced with crisis and the reciprocity norm asserts that individuals are under pressure to assist those who have assisted them. Clearly, this norm may function as a behavioral rule that is present in the continuing relationships, and that makes them be stable. Additionally, self-sacrifice may function as an intrinsic motive that leads to satisfaction and that makes individuals reciprocate. A self-sacrificing behavior by the leader creates pressure on the followers to act as is required of them. Particularly, to forgo self-interest and committing oneself to the good of the collective is what is required of self-sacrifice (Knippenberg & Knippenberg, 2005, p. 25).Nelson Mandela is an ideal example of a leader who intensively and extensively struggled for the sake of South Africa freedom. Mandela sacrificed a lot to the South African movement for freedom, including his private life and liberty. His ultimate goal was to ensure his fellow Africans have gained the much-needed freedom in their country. Commenting on his desire to sacrifice to attain freedom, Mandela maintained that freedom cannot be easily acquired anywhere in the world. In addition, most individuals would have to go through a valley of the shadow of death always until we get to the top of our aspirations (Limb, 2008). He stated during his Heritage Day address on 24 September 1997 that, â€Å"Let us recommit ourselves to the ideals in our Constitution, ideals which were shaped in the struggles†.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The summary, analysis and personal commentary Essay

The summary, analysis and personal commentary - Essay Example Paramount to the function of accounting principles is the commonness that it provides for financial record maintenance. The outcome is that it is simple to compare the financial position of related entities. Secondly, they enhance transparency. Accounting values are intended to impose transparency in businesses. This type of transparency is particularly imperative in the case of public organizations, such as states or publicly traded corporations. Rules restrict the freedom and flexibility of organizations to use smart accounting to move things around or conceal them (Yu & Wahid p. 1898). Thirdly, they serve the role of relevance. Standards work to assist entities give the most appropriate data in the most realistic way possible. In this way, institutions guided by accounting principles will produce the type of financial information that observers are mainly interested in examining. Finally, the significance of accounting standards lies in the worth that it brings to financial records for the assorted audiences that sight and makes important decisions based on it. A nonexistence of accounting principles would make the effort of shareholders, regulators, duty payers, reporters and others more complex and more hazardous. Standards signify that taxpayers can observe how their tariff dollars are being used up, and regulators can guarantee that rules are adhered to (Yu & Wahid

Sunday, November 17, 2019

My intercultural communication at school Essay Example for Free

My intercultural communication at school Essay My ESL classes at Heald College took six months and these were necessary requirements so that I could pursue major courses in Architecture. There were other students like me from other countries and it felt good to belong to a group that was being taught the American way of life and culture. It felt good because it gave me the feeling that I was not alone in my hardships. It did not feel so bad and odd being with a group struggling with nuances of the English language and pronunciation and the idiosyncrasies of American culture. While I considered myself an out-group when I was with natural-born Americans, I felt like a member of an in-group when I was with the foreign students. Probably, this feeling springs from the fact that one naturally feels out of place when all others behave and talk in a different way. There is some comfort gained from knowing that one is just like the others. My struggle to fit in was at times frustrating, as I could not be properly understood by the teacher on account of misplaced accents or outright mispronunciations. At first I really felt stupid when the teacher would rephrase my statement and ask if it was what I meant. When I would say it was not what I meant, another classmate would butt in with a genuine intention to help me out but I would end up all the more confused and misunderstood. Realizing the setbacks of my lack of facility with the language, I resolved more than ever to master the English language. My Intercultural Communication at Work Working as a busboy and later, as a waiter in a restaurant gave me the chance to encounter more people and gain more facility with the English language. Finding work was quite an exhilarating experience for me. I felt that I could already communicate my ideas clearly and so I gained more confidence. Of course, there were still some instances when some patrons would fail to understand how I pronounce my words but whenever such a thing happened, I would remember the word and practice saying it correctly when I got home. I had discarded my Dari-English dictionary and I could already carry on a conversation with a native speaker of American English without fumbling for the right word or halting. I once attempted to be friendly with other waiters hoping to generate deeper camaraderie while we were up and about with our tasks. To my horror, I found that Americans seem to be single-minded and so focused when they go about their work that banter is misconstrued as not being serious about work. From then on, I learned to be very business-like while doing my work, bearing in mind that I was not working in an Afghan setting Conclusion This profound reflection on my sojourn in America has made me realize a lot of things that I once took for granted. First, I realized that I possess the resilience and tenacity that is a hallmark of a true Afghan. I used to take for granted the lore and history that due to the Afghan experience of a succession of foreign invasions, Afghans are by nature strong in spirit and character. Indeed, it is no easy task for an 18-year-old boy to force himself to become an adult almost overnight due to peculiar personal circumstances. I realized too that exposure to another culture widens ones horizons and makes one more tolerant of other people. Assimilation into another culture truly begins and is facilitated by an earnest desire to learn the language to a level that one speaks it like one born into the language itself. Together with this is a keen sense of awareness of the seemingly insignificant cultural differences between one’s culture of origin and the host culture. Cultural sensitivity, if I may use the term, enables one to steer clear of problematic situations. Indeed, it is not always wise to act and behave according to one’s cultural orientation when one is in another cultural setting. My intercultural communication with the Peterson family was at first regulated by cues from the reactions of Mr. Peterson. I came to know what he disliked by observing how he reacted. Yet, the sincere sharing of cultural traditions was the factor that truly made our relationship rise up to a higher level. Mutual respect and understanding resulted from the open sharing and this could not have happened by merely observing each other’s reactions. Truly, if one wants to have a meaningful intercultural communication, it must begin with an honest sharing of culture and traditions. It makes it possible to view the other person from their own cultural perspective. The moment I stopped my automatic comparison of Afghan and American values whenever I encountered an unfamiliar cultural practice, I became more accepting of American culture. As Holliday, Hyde and Kullman advise, â€Å"Put aside simplistic notions about what is real and unreal in your perception of another culture, and appreciate that every society is as complex and culturally varied as your own†. (10) The moment I began to have this attitude in my attempt to fully integrate myself into American society, I may have taken the first step towards â€Å"intercultural competence†. Alred and Byram (2002) define intercultural competence as â€Å"the ability to behave appropriately in intercultural situations†¦. the ability to stabilize one’s self-identity while mediating between cultures† (340). I may have taken the first step but I still have a long way to go. All people regardless of culture have the innate need to feel a sense of belongingness. I am sure this is the reason why I felt at ease with my fellow Afghans as I did with other foreign students who were struggling to deal with language difficulties. Yet, once a genuine intercultural communication is initiated, it leads one to learn and marvel at the diversity and richness of all cultures around the world. Works Cited Alred, Geof and Mike Byram. â€Å"Becoming an Intercultural Mediator: A Longitudinal Study of Residence Abroad. † Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 23. 5 (2002). Retrieved from http://www. multilingual-matters. net/jmmd/023/jmmd0230339.htm on April 25, 2007. Holliday, Adrian, Martin Hyde, and John Kullman. Intercultural Communication: An Advanced Resource Book. New York: Routledge, 2004. Questia. 25 Apr. 2007 http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=108464145. Robson, Barbara, Juliene Lipson with Farid Younos and Mariam Mehdi. â€Å"Afghans Their History and Culture, Cross-Cultural and Adjustment Challenges, published by the Center of Applied Linguistics, The Cultural Orientation Resource Center last updated 6/30/02. Retrieved from http://www. cal. org/co/afghan/acult. html on April 25, 2007.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hemp :: essays research papers

Hemp PREAMBLE As we enter a new millennium, we find ourselves reevaluating the paths we've chosen and the decisions we've made. Have we made the best with what we've got or are we stumbling in the dark? How many gaps riddle the blanket of our knowledge? The problem lies in how we make sense of where we're heading. Do we choose the path of economics and progress or do we choose the path of environmentalism and sustainability? Is there a median available for us to take where the greens of economy and environment are balanced or are we doomed to blindly continue the path of short-term gain and comfort . . . living out a flawed paradigm? Canada is a prime example of a country that is continually weighing its power and influence on the natural and manmade worlds. We've found ourselves sitting on the global fence between our magliomaniacal brother to the south and our staunch traditionalist motherland to the east. From this division of powers and alliances we find ourselves locked into a self-induced ignorance and stifling conservatism. It's ironic that we have the opportunity to solve most of Canada's critical environmental issues in one fell swoop . . . with one simple plant. It is ignorance and the maintenance of the status quo that has blinded and crippled our ability to realize this resource. INTRODUCTION A plant exists that is so strong that it can be grown without requiring chemicals in almost every part of the world. Many have touted this plant as a possible way in which to wean society from its dependence on fossil fuels for energy and the need to log forests for pulp, paper and wood. It is even said that this plant could adequately clothe and feed the world more efficiently and cheaply than we can do now! Why is this miracle plant not used if all evidence points to its versatility? The answer is bogged down in a century of law, sociology, the corporate agenda and conspiracy theories. Since the early part of the century, hemp has been considered a drug, though it has no euphoric attributes. Hemp: the wonder plant and possible solution to the bulk of our problems is illegal only because it is seen as guilty by it's association with marijuana. Hemp is a herbaceous plant called "cannabis sativa", which means `useful (sativa) hemp (cannabis)'. Fiber is the best known product, and the word `hemp' can also mean the rope or twine which is made from the plant, as well as just the stalk of the plant which produced it. History has proven its acceptance of hemp: both the U.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Global Issues: Obesity, Inactivity, and Water-Crisis

Health is a precious gift that needs to be cherished. Unfortunately, there are three global issues that are destroying people’s health and killing them. These health concerns include inactivity, obesity and lack of safe drinking water. The positive side of these issues is the fact that they are all preventable through making the right decisions and taking action. Due to higher trends of sedentary lifestyles, inactivity has become one of the critical current global issues. Inactivity is defined as a failure to meet the daily minimum physical requirement of moderate exercise.According to New York Times, worldwide, 31. 1% of adults are inactive, from which 43. 4% of North America, 34. 8% of Europe, 30% of Russia, 30% of the Middle East, and 27% African. Based on these percentages, it is reasonable to assume that the wealthy the region is, the more inactive it is likely to be. Sedentary lifestyles have recently been linked to many health issues such as heart disease, Type 2 diabet es, colon cancer and breast cancer. As stated in the New York Times, globally, around 5. 3 million people die from health issues that are related to physical inactivity; however comparatively, 5. million people die due to health concerns that are related to smoking. It is unfortunate that people do not understand the magnitude of the importance of physical activity due to the fact that inactivity is as deadly as smoking cigarettes. In the United States, inactivity level is the highest in the world, which makes it an undeniable concern. The average American lifestyle consists of driving to work, sitting at a desk all day, then sitting in front of a computer or a TV screen until falling asleep. The common trend of this routine is a lot of sitting and very little exercise.Although, the good news is that health issues correlated with inactivity can be easily prevented by meeting the minimum exercise requirement, which is a twenty-minute walk per day. Additionally, as for worldwide preve ntion, governmental intervention may be necessary. Some examples are to build more parks, promote the importance of exercise, and set up financial incentives. Obesity is another growing global concern, which is defined as an â€Å"abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health,† which is caused by an â€Å"energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. According to the World Health Organization, as of 2008, there are 1. 4 billion adults that are overweight, of which 200 million men and 300 million women were obese. Obesity is the fifth leading risk for deaths around the world; around 2. 8 million adults each year die due to health issues concerning being overweight or obese. Some medical conditions are cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and several types of cancers. Globally, obesity has been a growing concern, due to consumption of high calorie processed foods. In addition, an increased level of inactivity adds to the growing number of obese people.The bright side of obesity is that it is very easily preventable. On an individual level, obesity can be prevented by limited intake of highly calorie processed foods, increased intake of fresh produce such as vegetables and fruit, and regular exercise. The United States, also known as the fattest country in the world, has been battling with the growing issue of obesity. The fast pace and busy lifestyle does not help this fast food loving society. American’s love for McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, and other fast food joints is not helping the battle with the expanding waistlines.In response to this concern, there have been several preventable initiates, such as Michelle Obama’s â€Å"Let’s Move† campaign that aims to teach kids the importance of eating healthy and exercising regularly. Overall, obesity is a fast growing concern but it can be prevented by the correct actions, knowledge and initiatives. Furthermore, the lack of safe drinking water is another critical global concern. According to WHO, unsafe drinking water causes diarrhea, malaria, malnutrition, lymphatic filariasis, and trachoma.The availability of safe drinking water is the essential to staying healthy. The human body is made up of mostly water; thus, to stay healthy, we require clean water just as much as we need proper nutrients from food. The developing areas of the world have the lowest availability of safe cleaning water due to insuffient governmental capital funds. However, clean water concern is not limited to only really poor areas such as Africa and Southeast Asia. Eastern European countries are also suffering from the problem of not having clean drinking water.From my own experience of living in Kiev, Ukraine, the water that comes out of the faucet is pigmented yellow and is not recommended for drinking. There, most people opt for drinking only bottled water. The good news about the issue of unsafe drinking water is the fact that according to the WHO, â€Å"89% of the world’s population had some form of improved water supply. † In order to continue improving the world’s water supply, local governments need to invest in necessary precautions to make the drinking water safe, such as distributing water filters, water bottles, and building protected dug wells.Overall, the three current issues that are affecting global health are inactivity, obesity and lack of safe drinking water. A person cannot be healthy if they sit around all day, consuming more calories than their body knows what to do with and drink contaminated, dirty water. Physical activity, healthy eating patterns and clean water are essential to our everyday health; thus, actions need to be taken at the individual and governmental level in order to save and prolong human lives on this planet. Works Cited â€Å"How does safe water impact global health? † WHO. 9 Sept. 2012 . â€Å"Obesity and overweight. † WHO. 19 Sept. 2012 . â€Å"The C ouch Potato Goes Global. † Well. 19 Sept. 2012 . â€Å"Water-related diseases. † WHO. 19 Sept. 2012 . â€Å"Water, sanitation and hygiene. † WHO. 19 Sept. 2012 .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Investor Activism

With the trend toward higher investor activism, it's more important than ever to find effective ways to engage investors. Direct engagement, which involves the company pro-actively determining the priorities and concerns of investors and addressing them directly, is becoming more widespread across the business world (Ernst and Young, 2014). Though still in its early stages, according to the Conference Board, direct engagement â€Å"is likely to become a permanent, although less formal, part of the governance of US public companies† (Conference Board, 2014).Direct engagement means social entrepreneurships begin the conversation with investors, rather than waiting for them to bring up issues of concern. This offers a way to communicate the social mission goals and link those goals to financial performance in a way that keeps investors committed to the broader vision of profit with purpose. Performance Monitoring for Mission Financial monitoring processes are a ubiquitous part of conventional business practice. All for-profit businesses establish more formal systems for monitoring financial performance as they grow. Social entrepreneurships also need to develop systems and processes for monitoring mission performance and financial performance. Common in the non-profit sector, mission monitoring is still a relatively new undertaking for the governing bodies of for-profit businesses. Despite advances in the field, such as the development of systems including IRIS and SASB, directors' efforts to monitor mission remain hampered by a lack of standard metrics, equivalent to those available in finance (Impact Measurement Working Group, 2014). Delivering impact performance isn't only a question of having reliable metrics, however. It is important to remember that metrics alone won't protect mission or prevent mission drift. To have any power, raw metric information must be incorporated into the oversight and decision-making processes of the organization.Mission monitoring is the means by which organizations make the connection between impact metrics and leadership and direction. Robust mission performance monitoring systems have been shown to help impact funds deliver on mission goals (Clark, Emerson & Thornley 2014). Innovative social enterprises are using mission monitoring to efficiently prevent both mission drift and mission abandonment (Alnoor, Battilana & Mair). There is no one-size-fits-all model for mission monitoring. Research indicates that different kinds social entrepreneurships need to monitor different things in different ways (Alnoor, Battilana & Mair, 2014). Thus, it is no surprise that the monitoring systems used by managers and boards vary according to organization size, type, location, legal form, governance structure, and the nature of the social or environmental mission aims. Despite this complexity, effective mission monitoring systems do have shared characteristics (Epstein & Yuthas, 2014):They originate at the highest strategic level, with the governing board and top management.They align with business and organizational strategy.They are clear about desired performance results.They identify performance indicators that can be meaningfully measured or evaluated.They are supported by organizational systems and processes that track performance and produce verifiable information.These are costed and backed with adequate organizational resources.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Definition and Usage of the French Word Enchanté

Definition and Usage of the French Word Enchantà © French has long had an influence on the English language. The two languages  share the same  alphabet  and a number of  true cognates. But, the biggest influence of French on the English language may be the number of words- such  as  enchantà ©- that have been passed from the former to the latter tongue. The French word enchantà © is an adjective, but you are likely to use the term to express delight when meeting someone new. Definitions: Enchantà ©Ã‚  vs. Enchant The word  enchantà © in French means enchanted, delighted, overjoyed, smitten, or bewitched. In English, the word enchant means to influence by charms and incantation, to  bewitch, attract, move deeply, or rouse to ecstatic admiration. The similarities in the French and English terms are clear. The spellings are quite similar, but the pronunciations are a bit different. The word enchantà © is pronounced [a(n) sha(n) tay] in French. Not surprisingly, the English word enchant has an origin dating back centuries, having derived from its sister word  enchantà ©Ã‚  in French. Origin of Enchantà ©Ã‚  and Enchant The  Oxford Living Dictionaries  notes that the modern English term enchant actually comes from  Middle English, the language spoken in England from about 1100 to 1500. Enchant is derived from the late Middle English term meaning to put under a spell and delude. The term was originally spelled incant in Middle English, as in an incantation.​ Before that, the English word derived from the French term, enchanter, which in turn originated from the Latin incantare, meaning in   cantere,  to sing.  The French term  enchanter  is the infinitive form of the word, meaning to enchant, to delight, to be overjoyed, or to bewitch. Examples of  Enchantà © To gain a fuller understanding of  enchantà ©, it may be helpful to see how the term is used in French and translated into English. French Sentence(s) English Translation Je suis enchantà © de cette pià ¨ce. I'm delighted by this play. "Voici mon frà ¨re David.""Enchantà ©." "This is my brother David.""Nice to meet you." Cette forà ªt est enchantà ©e. This forest is enchanted. Note how, in the first two examples,  enchantà ©Ã‚  is translated as delighted or nice (as in delighted to meet you). The word, nice by itself translates as  agrà ©able  in French. The word nice only translates as  enchantà ©Ã‚  in the context of expressing delight or enchantment upon meeting someone. Enchantà © in French Literature The notion of enchantment has a firm grounding in French literature.  Ã‚  William C. Carter,  in his book, Marcel Proust: A Life, said that the famous French novelist always sought to enchant his readers: His intently seductive voice is similar to Walt Whitmans, whose sounds and words constantly seem to urge the reader to lie with him and exchange caresses. This brings you back, then, to the original meaning of the term  enchantà ©, meaning to bewitch or cast a spell on, which certainly makes it an alluring term. So, the next time you are searching for just the right word when you meet someone new, use the term  enchantà ©Ã‚  to show your delight at meeting that person or to cast a spell as you draw in your reader or listener.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Transfer Colleges Successfully Complete Guide

How to Transfer Colleges Successfully Complete Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Transferring colleges can be a very difficult decision to make, but you need to find the college that is the right fit for you even if it means transferring. Whether you are trying to transfer from a 2-year school to a 4-year school or from one 4-year university to another, this article is to help you on your journey to transfer! Why transfer? There are many valid reasons to transfer, and before you apply to transfer, you need to figure out what your reason is. The school you're applying to transfer to will want to know why you are choosing to leave: Did you not fit in with the other students? If so, did you try to fit in? Did you join any clubs, teams or Greek life? Did you attend events? Do they not have your desired program of study? Did you decide to switch majors and your school does not have your new major? Did you apply undecided and realize you have a passion for a specific major your school does not have? Did you graduate from a 2-year program with an associate’s degree and now want to pursue a bachelor’s? These are all very valid reasons to transfer.If you are looking to find a college to transfer to, I recommend using the College Board College Search Portalto help you find the right college for you. This portal allows you to search by school size, location, major, diversity, if transfer credits are accepted, and by many more options. If you felt like your school is too small, search by school size to find a larger university, or if you want to be a fine arts major, search by major and find a school with a fine arts program. Whatever you are looking for, before starting your search, make sure you qualify to transfer. Do I qualify to transfer schools? Most universities require that you have completed at least 8 courses at another university to qualify as a transfer student; otherwise, you must apply as a freshman. So long as you have those credits, most schools will let you apply to transfer as either a sophomore or junior (some schools let applicants apply to transfer in either the spring or fall; others only let applicants transfer in the fall) to find out a school’s exact policy, search â€Å"[College Name] transfer policy† in Google. Note: high-school students, who dual enroll at a local community college during high school, still apply as freshman, not as transfer students. How hard is it to transfer? It depends on the school. If you want to know a school’s specific transfer rate, search â€Å"[College Name] Transfer Acceptance Rate.† At some schools, it is more difficult to be admitted as a transfer than as a freshman; while at others, it may be easier to be admitted as a transfer. Some schools only admit transfers if students admitted as freshman choose to dropout or take time off, leaving very few spots for transfer applicants. Other schools plan to take transfer students, holding spots for these students. Some schools may take more transfers because these applicants are stronger, having proved their academic prowess at a 4-year or 2-year college institution. Other schools have lower qualifications for transfer students in order to fill up their classes (and make the most money), since transfer students are not factored in to the school's freshman admit profile (or their overall admission rate) both of which are published and are typically used as a assessment of the school's prestige and academic rigor. Also, transfer applications are oftenneed-aware such as at Brown University, meaning that a transfer applicant’s ability to pay for tuition, room and board is factored making an admission decision.Whatever the school's reason, the difference in freshman admission and transfer admission is striking. Check out the transfer admission rates for Harvard and Notre Dame: Harvard University takes about 15 transfers per year out of about 1500 applicants (1% admit rate for transfers vs 5.9% for freshman) while Notre Dame takes about 190 out of 500 applicants (37% admit rate for transfers vs 21.2% for freshman).You can check out transfer statistics on several schools from the 2012 fall class here. What is the transfer application like? Some schools may vary slightly from this format, but in general, the transfer application is very similar to the normal college application. The transfer application includes Common Application including Personal Statement and Supplement Transcripts, High School and College Mid-Year Report *****different from the normal college application SAT or ACT Score (most schools) Letters of Recommendation Major Specific Requirements: Portfolio, Resume, or Additional Writing Sample (only for certain majors at certain schools) To check a school’s specific requirements, search â€Å"[College Name] Transfer Application.†I will delve into more on each of these components below. Personal Statement and Supplement These are two of the MOST crucial parts of your transfer application.As I said before, you need to tell your story of deciding to transfer and this is your opportunity. If you do not tell it in your personal statement and/or supplement, the admissions officer will not know why you should be invited to attend their school.Be open and honest about why you are deciding to transfer and why you NEED to transfer.Try to explain why their school is truly your perfect fit. If you don’t believe me, here's a quote from theYale University Admissions Office: â€Å"Transfer candidates should also have particularly compelling and well-defined academic reasons for wishing to attend Yale. Wanting to leave one’s current school is not a sufficient argument for admission to Yale. Transfer candidates should explain in their application essays how studying at Yale would give them an educational opportunity particular to their interests that could be experienced nowhere else. The Admissions Committee also gives serious consideration to a transfer applicant’s motivation, curiosity, energy, leadership ability, and distinctive talents. The personal essays and evaluations from college faculty members, deans, and secondary school counselors provide a great deal of insight into these qualities. We hope to find students who have made significant contributions to their college and local community.† How do you explain how their school is your perfect fit? Well, here is a sample mini-transfer personal statement: â€Å"My reason for wanting to transfer arises from a desire to search for those people I really fit in with. I have had a fine experience at my college so far; I enjoy my classes and have made many friends, but something is missing. I yearn for that intellectual challenge surrounded by students who inspire me to be great. I have tried to make this school right for me and search for potential lifelong friends. I have joined the Cooking club, club softball team, and the Oscar Wilde fan club. My experience at my school has convinced me more than ever that your school is my perfect fit, not because I long for the prestige of your institution, but because I long to be with the people who will truly challenge and inspire me everyday.† In addition to the personal statement, most schools require a supplementary essay (usually much shorter than the personal statement), and in the supplement, you have to address a school specific question. Typically, the supplement asks, "Why Our School?" You really need to have a great answer for that question. These two essays (the personal statement and supplement) are very similar, but there is an important distinction between the two. The personal statement needs to show who you are through a story and explain why you, as you are, want to transfer or did not belong at your former school (as I did above in the example).On the other hand, the supplement needs to explain for what academic reason do you want to transfer. Here is the personal statement prompt for all UC Schools such as UC Berkeley and UCLA, "Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?" Again, the focus is on you and your uniqueness, why you as you are, don't fit in at your school. What personal reason do you have for transferring? Were you at a school that was too small for you? Too big? Did you not fit in with the students at that school?Did you visit a friend at Notre Dame and realize you fit in there? Here is the transfer supplement prompt for all UC Schools such as UC Berkeley and UCLA, "What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field - such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities - and what you have gained from your involvement." The focus here is more on the institute you are applying to. Why do you want to go to that school and study that major? What academic reason do you have for transferring?Did you realize your passion for fashion journalism and NYU has a top journalism program in a city where you could intern at fashion magazines? Try to answer both prompts as specifically as you can.Do not be general or vague. BAD for supplement essay: I want to attend Yale because your school is better than my school. GOOD for supplement essay: I want to transfer to NYU because I have discovered my passion for fashion journalism through my fashion blog that has 100,000 subscribers. My school has no journalism program, and NYU’s is the best program for fashion journalism in the country. I know NYU would help me achieve my dream of becoming editor of a fashion magazine. Transcripts In addition to the personal statement and supplement, you will need to provide a transcript from your high school (just as you did for college applications) and a transcript from your college.If you are applying from a 2-year school with a completed Associate’s degree, your transcript from college must show all of your grades and that your Associate’s was received.If you are applying after completing 1 semester at a 4-year university, you cannot send in your transcript until you receive your first semester grades, so that the school can take those grades into consideration. Hopefully, your transcript looks slightly more official. Note: Do not give up on your classes at your current school when you decide to transfer.These grades are EXTREMELY important. If you get B’s at your school and are applying to a more competitive and academically challenging school, the admissions officer may question how you will do at their school.You also cannot give up on your classes once you submit your application. Mid-Year Report The Mid-Year Report is a grade report you send to the schools you are applying to in the middle of the spring semester (typically April 1).From the UPenn Admission Office, â€Å"you will need to print out the form, available through the Common Application, and ask each of your professors to provide a mid-term grade (the grade they would give you if they were to give you a grade at that point in the class) and a signature.† In the report, all of your CURRENT spring semester professors fill out a paper predicting your FUTURE grade in the class and have to sign off on it.You read that right.You have to ask your spring semester teachers to give you a grade prediction and to sign off on it.This can be extremely intimidating, but again is another important part of your application. Again, this is why you CANNOT slack off in your classes at your current school. You need to get the best grades possible to better your chances to transfer.Try to form close relationships with your spring semester teachers.They will be much more willing to slightly inflate your grade (A- to A) on this prediction report if you are an active participant in class and if they like you.Trust me, these professors will be willing to slightly inflate your grade on this sheet to help you transfer if they like you, as this is not guaranteeing what they write will be your actual grade. Again, you cannot give up on your classes at your current school when you decide to transfer. If you got A’s first semester and B’s on your mid-year report, the admissions office may question how you will fair at their school.They do also consider SAT or ACT Scores SAT or ACT Score Some schools may not require you to send these scores, but most universities do require transfers from other 4-year colleges to send their SAT or ACT scores.If you are applying from a 2-year school with a completed Associate’s degree, some schools require you to submit your SAT or ACT score while many others don’t. You should find the university’s policy on SAT/ACT scores for transfers when you search for the school’s application requirements. Again, to find a school’s specific requirements, search â€Å"[College Name] Transfer Application.† For students applying from 4-year universities, your SAT/ACT score will definitely play a role into whether or not you are accepted, but it is not weighted as heavily as in freshman admissions.When you applied as a freshman, the admissions officers didn’t know how you would do at a 4-year university, so they used your score as a measure of that. However, now they have your college grades and can see how you are performing at a 4-year university.If you have straight A’s in all of your biomedical engineering classes at University of Florida but got a 30 on your ACT, the A’s seem very impressive and make the 30 less meaningful. Should you retake the SAT/ACT if you are applying to transfer? You can, but I would only recommend it in certain situations.Your SAT/ACT score is only valid for 5 years, so if your score is older than 5 years, you will be required to retake it.To decide if you should retake the SAT or ACT, find out the 25th/75th percentile scores for current students at the school you are applying to. The 25th/75th percentile scores means that 25% of the students attending have a score at or below that number (this is below average). 75th percentile means that 75% of students have a score at or below that number. In essence, the 25th/75th percentile covers the middle 50% of all students admitted to the school. If you score at the 75th percentile for any school and have great grades from your current college, you have a great chance at getting in. If you're at the 25th percentile, you'll need to have a strong application to boost your odds of getting in. To find the 25th/75th percentile scores for current students at the school you are applying to, search â€Å"[College Name]† freshman admission profile† or â€Å"[College Name]† ACT† or â€Å"[College Name]† SAT† Let’s say, you are applying to transfer to an Ivy (most 25th/75th percentile scores between 34-36 ACT or 750-800 on all sections of the SAT).As I said, your grades are more meaningful than your test score on your transfer application, but that being said if your grades are not perfect (A’s and B’s) with a test score below 31 on ACT or below 2100 on SAT, I would consider re-taking the test to try to improve your score and improve your chances of being admitted. If your college grades are all A’s and your score is within the school’s 25th/75th percentile score, you do not need to retake the SAT or ACT. Letters of Recommendation Most schools require that you submit at least 2 letters of recommendation from COLLEGE professors or teaching assistants. Some schools prefer the letters to come only from professors and NOT teaching assistants such as UPenn, who said, â€Å"The Admissions Selection Committee prefers to review recommendations from professors. We encourage you to meet with your professors and ask for recommendations. However, we understand that some classes may be too large for a professor to write a detailed, personalized recommendation for you. If you ask a teaching assistant to write your recommendation, the class professor MUST sign off on the written recommendation.† Hopefully, your recommender is a little more expressive. You will find a school’s policy on letters of recommendation when you search for the transfer application requirements.You are NOT supposed to reuse your letters of recommendation from your high school teachers.You need new letters from college professors or teaching assistants. Make sure you are forming relationships withyour professors and teaching assistants. You need them to like you enough to be willing to write you a letter of recommendation.Go to their office hours! Participate in class! Study! You need their help.If they don’t have a relationship with you, your letter will most likely turn out pretty mediocre.For more guidance on your letter of recommendation, check out our other article Who Should I Ask to Write My College Recommendation Letter? Major Specific Requirements If you are applying to a specific major or program (such as film, acting, dance, art, music), you may also be required to submit an additional application component such as a portfolio or do an audition.Find out by searching for the specific program you are applying to, search â€Å"[College Name] [program] Transfer Application† such as USC Film Transfer Application. Make sure to also check the deadline for your program.Oftentimes, arts programs (theatre, film, dance, music) will have earlier deadlines than the general university transfer deadline. For help with your major specific application requirements (if you are applying to film school), check out our other article, How to Get Into Film School by a USC Alum.Now that we have covered all components of the application, let’s talk deadlines: Application Deadlines Schools have transfer application deadlines ranging from December 1 to March 1 for Fall admits or November for Spring admits. When you search for the school’s specific requirements (search â€Å"[College Name] Transfer Application†), you will find the deadline. Again, make sure to also search for the specific program you are applying to, search â€Å"[College Name] [program] Transfer Application.†Oftentimes, arts programs (theatre, film, dance) will have earlier deadlines than the general university transfer deadline. Make sure to create a schedule for yourself working back from the timeline. I recommend completing the first drafts of your personal statement and supplement at least one month before the application deadline, so you have time to review and rewrite. Ask teachers to write letters of recommendation at least 2 months in advance of when the application is due.Send transcripts and scores as soon as possible. Check the transfer requirements to see when the last available ACT or SAT testing date is.According to Yale, â€Å"Scores from the February ACT or the March SAT test date should reach [the admissions office] in time for consideration,† but this may vary from school to school, so check the schools you are applying to. Once you submit your application, your journey is not over. Decision Letters and Making the Decision to Transfer or Stay You will receive your decision letters typically in Mid-May for Fall Admission.You typically have only a few weeks to make a final decision.Before making the decision to transfer, consider this Will transferring make you happier? By transferring, will you be more likely to achieve success in your chosen field? If you need financial aid, will you receive financial aid? Will you be able to complete your degree on time? How many of your units will transfer? How many of your units will count towards your degree? Will you need to spend extra time and money to complete your degree? Most schools only let you transfer up to 2 years of credit, so if you applied to transfer in your junior year, you will most likely be restarting as a junior at the next school. Are you okay with that? I also recommend creating a pros and cons list for your current school and the school your were accepted to.I know it may sound old-hat, but it works!Once accepted, you want to make sure transferring is the best decision for you. Remember that when you transfer, it may take time to make friends at your new school.Try to get involved and go to school sponsored events to help meet people and make your transition easier. Another PrepScholar writer transferred schools, and she said at times it can feel at first like being a stepchild or like being someone who married into the family. However, she and the other transfer students bonded; her closest college friends ended up being the other transfer students. She is so happy she transferred.Transferring can be a great experience! Just don’t be shy and get out and meet people! Points to Remember Think about why you want to transfer and convey that to the admissions office through your personal statement and supplement. Work very hard in your current classes (participate and go to office hours), so that you have good grades on your transcript and you have professors who are willing to write you letters of recommendation. Consider whether or not you want to retake the SAT or ACT (if you need to send your scores for your transfer application) Check application deadlines and set up a schedule to complete your application on time. When your decision letters come, really think about whether transferring is the best choice. What’s next? Get more help with your application: Who Should I Ask to Write My College Recommendation Letter? What is a Good GPA? What's a Bad GPA for College? What College Should You Go To? How to Choose a College Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

International Strategic Management- Case study (Emirate airline)

International Strategic Management- (Emirate airline) - Case Study Example Some of this training involves diversity, as the business employs more than 150 different nationalities and must deal with a diverse demographic of clients (Matly & Dillon, 2007). Training and development is a key internal resource, in terms of human capital, to provide ongoing customer service and support to fulfill the company’s mission and differentiation tactics toward competitive edge through service. The business has also been able to establish a network of internal capabilities including an ever-growing fleet of planes which allows Emirates the distinction of being the only airline across the globe to offer non-stop flight service to all six continents from a single airline hub (, 2009). This requires internal flexibility and expertise in coordinating flight services in a manner which does not project, to the travelling client, delays or inferior scheduling capacity. This is an internal competency which gives Emirates a reputation for being both innovative to meet international client demands and also coordinate on-time arrivals and departures. Much to the dismay of Emirates Airlines, the company’s cash position is quickly deteriorating, due largely to heavy financing of current planes and also the current economic climate which is causing drops in passengers as they cut back on business and personal costs (Kerr, 2009). The business has attempted to diversify its holdings, including new investments in the construction of a hotel and its ongoing dividends being paid to the Dubai government (Kerr). However, the business still maintains a strong cash position of $2.4 (US) billion, giving the business considerable opportunities to further diversify its business holdings and generate more long-term revenue. Therefore, from an internal strategic analysis, Emirates Airlines is well-positioned with positive cash availability to strengthen its ability to expand as deemed

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Five key factors to team effectiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Five key factors to team effectiveness - Essay Example This article will firstly give brief explanation of team and teamwork, and try to find out some key conditions of developing effective team through collating early literature. The focus will be in the scope of human resource management even though much research discussed team combining consideration of organizations and leadership etc. The characteristics of effective team will be assessed and continually some issues will be arisen and viewed as challenges for managers examining. Debates also arise in the parts of the autonomy and reward. Finally the conclusion will mention the required change in the managers' roles in a changing environment. A team is a group of people assigned a task or a set of tasks to accomplish and often 'granted autonomy over how to accomplish their assignment' (Baron & Kreps, 1999). Harris and Harris define teamwork as 'a work group or unit with a common purpose through which members develop mutual relationships for the achievement of goals/tasks' (Tarricone & Luca, 2002). Combining the concept of autonomy, the definition of teamwork is chosen here for providing a simple, conceptual notion to discuss work teams with various purposes and types in business environment context. Since team-working has been widely ... Study has identified effective teamwork as one of the underlying elements of businesses with high performance. In other words, successful corporations 'rely on teamwork as an essential basis for everyday operations (Tarricone & Luca, 2002).' Therefore, the characteristics of effective team-working have been drawn and listed in tremendous amount of research. The conditions included in this article are listed and discussed next. 1. Mission clarity Some studies list the mission clarity as one of the necessary conditions (Sundstorm, Meuse & Futrell, 1990; Gustafson & Kleiner, 1994; Natale, Libertella & Rothschild, 1995; Borrelli, Cable & Higgs, 1995; ) or the most important one (Davis & Scase, 2000) while discussing effective team. Mission clarity means all team members fully and clearly perceive the purpose, goal and task. Purpose is that team members need to know why they are gathered to form a team, which means team formation (Gustafson & Kleiner, 1994). Goal is the target which members need to achieve, and it includes the match of short-term objectives and long-term strategies. Task contains deciding what should be done and assigning work. 2. Rewards and recognition Rewards occur while team tasks or goals are accomplished and the achievement appeals to be significant for the team or organization. Rewards may contain praise for team success, pay, time off and promotion etc. These outcomes are 'bestowed by people other than group members', and they 'do not include any benefits derived from within the group.'(Shea & Guzzo, 1987) Recognition is that 'individual contributions to the team and team contributions to the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Organizational Commitment and Organizational Effectiveness Term Paper

Organizational Commitment and Organizational Effectiveness - Term Paper Example Organizational change is primarily structural in character and it is designed to bring about alterations in organizational structure, methods, and processes. (Nilanjan, S et al,3 2006) Change is endemic to all organizations operating in business markets which involve improvements on current ways of doing things, of fine-tuning operations and implementing incremental changes on standard operating procedures. (Patrick D, and Constantine A, 2009)4 According to Whybrow (2007,p.5)5 it is necessary to act in times of immediate change, no matter how nasty it may seem or how much it impacts on staff or colleagues. In view of the changing nature of business and risks involved in it which is evident through the recession and economic depression occurring time and again challenging the business policies of the top leaders, change is necessary to face new challenges of every facet like accounting, technology, management, etc. There are certain factors that contribute to the change process in an organization like internal forces which include financial constraints, the need to do more with less, cross-functional teams, mergers and acquisitions, and empowered workers, etc. and external forces like new workforce demographics, changing expectations about quality, productivity, and customer satisfaction along with new technologies (APQC, 1999).6 The transformation of the bankrupt organization like Chrysler in 1970s to profitability which was possible due to the effective leadership of Iacocca, who revamped the internal politics and systems, changed the management structure, trimmed tens of thousands of employees, won concessions from UAW and transforming the company loser stigma of government bailout into positive cultural shift. It is pertinent to mention here that organizational change is triggered by an event which indicates the need for change like bankruptcy, in the case of Chrysler. However, it is assumed that change is followed by mixed reactions which provide positive i mpetus for change along with negative resistance from individuals and the organizations like technical systems, political systems and cultural systems (Pagan, 20087 and Rashid, Sambasivan & Rahman, 2003)8 The present paper discusses the role of culture and commitment to organizational change and provides some recommendation to maintain the commitment in the change process. Culture is often defined as that which is shared by and unique to a given organization or group and is an integrating mechanism, the social or normative glue that holds together a potentially diverse group of organizational members. (Warwick Organizational Behavior Staff, 2001, p.322)9 Smircich (cited in Iivari, n.d)10 analyzed different conceptions of organizational culture in relation to anthropological schools which have been conceived either as a variable or as a root metaphor for conceptualizing organization which is further divided into two areas: organizations have been regarded as cultures or having a cult ure. It is further mentioned that culture contributes to the overall balance and effectiveness of an organization.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Strengths Based Approaches for Case Management

Strengths Based Approaches for Case Management Harmandeep kaur Strength Based Model and Case Management Any hypotheses regarding support supply which emphasis on your specific skills as an alternative to some weakness. That product continues to be developed upon individual’s serious inner recourses in addition to talent. That product is actually extremely determined in addition to help others to identify their toughness in addition to were located appropriately. Throughout on-going therapy client participate within the actions of their retrieval which in turn pedals how in addition to pace regarding healing exertions. Your client along with the circumstance manager following finalizing this tactic upon client examine this development following talking about this achievements in addition to ups and downs. Every time a client is actually given refuge, the way it is manager carry on to supply assistance to fulfil this client’s wants. This may entail assisting the client locating expertise upon helpful or even work-related possibilities. Strength based model Talents centred train isn’t method of assistance that has a sturdy focus on the particular id of people’s capabilities. Interests as well as features as well as on the strengths as well as probable. Its a vital method of executing wants review as well as program coordination. Its a great empowering method of solutions that are fitted with in times past centred on deficits as well as issues within just people or perhaps persons desiring assistance. It prevents swearing, abusive as well as coarse terminology It focus adding wish in the persons into their people by concentrating precisely what continues to be productive as well as what will become. It focus on adding persons throughout esteem position based on his or her achievements as well as objectives. The â€Å"professional† member of staff is put in the role of companion as well as information. It tends to make persons positive as well as assist using constructive mind-set. People into their family’s effort are usually maximum so that it appears that theyre a vital portion not merely the particular standby. Communities are considered a vital supply somewhat which hampering. Working using strengths viewpoint calls for workers to be able to: To become devoted to admit to be able to power to learn develop as well as produce constructive change regarding on their own as well as their loved ones. Continues assist as well as accepting person. Mainly target â€Å"what’s strong†. Talents centered train can be consistent with the particular rights reasons discussed earlier. That may be, it can be features a focus on the particular equal rights of citizenship which disabled persons get. These kind of rights add the rights of usage of almost all assets alternatives as well as possibilities; the particular rights with the individuals to pick as well as immediate program supply to reinforce his or her existence; and also the right to try really hard to dwell as well as participate in identical towns while all others. Assessment: In order to assess the product emphasis should be offered in clients’ power and aptitudes. Therefore the involvement of the purchaser is critical. The actual clients need to overview their needs. Also as outlined by this simple fact, your product is quite versatile in order to men and women for the reason that multiplicity of the distinct situation. Then again yet again this type of product merely reassure your client to call home living since just what they desire and they also can certainly to ensure the infirmity section have been left which can be quite important within developing progress. Planning: In the analysis strategy must be produced depending on type strength it should stress upon clients aptitudes along with desires which client may stay their lifetime. Plus the strategy will be vary around period since over the treatment you along with the scenario boss ought to look at the modifications along with improvement which the client provides found and so the ambitions will be designed while using confidence along with the lifetime of accomplishment. Coordinating: Your energy primarily based models should excessive typical with the organising between client as well as the circumstance administrator. The situation administrator will to blame for your client skilled plans and also programs matching to the client’s issue it could possibly a lot of trusted while using the client’s thought processes and also specifications. Alternatively client need to be comprehending because supply as well as the effectiveness. In addition that the circumstance administrator must have a very frequent connection with your client and also willing to organize any deviations to be sure here is the plan can be completely right and also updated. Strengths and weaknesses of the strength based model: It truly is fully based on client wants in addition to abilities. Client should be encouraging in addition to sentimentally organized. Client should be self-assured. It is very virtuous towards the client’s emotional wellbeing. Furthermore, the particular client’s strengths tend to be effectively stored in addition to modern. ; however , yet again the particular feebleness associated with this type of style will also be easy to understand. It is because this type of style just issues concerning the energy so the weak point with the client may be unnoticed. Subsequently at numerous instances the particular weak point performs the particular focal a part of whether the treatments is effective or maybe low number of the particular feebleness can’t become created. Perspectives of the disability people: The actual energy based model is incredibly ideal for your weakened. To permit a client, your calculation have to be finished on the incapacitated different and therefore the realistic is designed will be created next to the evaluation and so successful approach will be decided out and about to control your aims and the prospect of the outcome may awareness be high. Detractors of the energy point of view advise that is in essence reframing troubles within the increased lighting. No one may grow whilst being persuaded that theyll fall. Summary of the expected outcomes for the disabled: For your power structured design, this anticipated outcomes can be which the emotionally and also in physical form wellbeing with the client can be helped and also numerous this laid in place can certainly cooperative very well for the modern society such as the normal individuals without having considerably emotional challenges. Throughout working out, your client might improvement certain gains with a dangerous and also gain a few conclusion very well compared to normal person. However incapacitated piece can’t end up being innovative. Case management Model Any co-operative lifetime of evaluation, setting up, getting rid of along with advocacy with regard to alternatives along with features which is function to encounter a individual’s holistic needs by means of communication along with accessible sources for you to inspire excellence cost-effective outcomes. Event Administration have been utilized to numerous worries with local community maintain this outdated, along with individuals with infirmity along with psychological health issues; vital wellbeing setting; personal injury managing along with insurance coverage affiliated areas; correctional companies; court docket devices; from the managing of long-lasting wellbeing predicaments; little one along with junior welfare; in danger populations in educational institutions; managed proper care along with occupation courses. The situation managing product requires this company provide a range of companies good inclusive evaluation that is utilized to development in instances or ev en ability tactic. The tactic is made in effort with the client along with displays their particular alternatives along with preferences. Event Managers give you the setting up along with skilled triumphs which gush from your specific setting, system along with client populace. But it surely is usually usual to name the following practice while central for you to Event Administration: testing, assessment/risk managing, proper care setting up, applying services design, monitoring/evaluation along with advocacy. Event managing comes from the us along with British mostly, along with had been a favorite services procedure for needs evaluation along with services coordination in wellbeing, thought health insurance and handicap companies from the later phases with the last hundred years. Its a matched tactic on behalf of individuals to aid these individuals to get the companies they want, whenever they have to have these individuals, along with provided they want these individuals. Some capabilities of scenario managing incorporate: Client recognition. Outreach. Service evaluation. Planning along with overseeing. Linking, referring or even brokering access to necessary companies. Advocating with regard to necessary companies for an specific. The supply of assistance for you to families along with significant others from the person’s atmosphere. Assistance in having a societal assistance system. The harder strenuous scenario managing products likewise incorporate this training along with teaching of societal expertise plus the managing of medicine, symptoms or even some other impairments. Combined with the benefits type of scenario managing, there are various of some other unique scenario managing products acknowledged by means of Solomon (1992), particularly: Rehabilitation product. Brokerage product. Clinical scenario managing. Assessment: However the scenario management type is usually a little similar towards strength primarily based products because they the two veneration this needs from the clients. Though the scenario management type increased exposure of this distractions from the client along with reassure those to exist on marketplace analysis successes so that the notion of coping with is usually gained through the entire community stage. As a result this particular type can also be while using client’s aptitudes in certain things and will preserve this client’s preceding life-style along with a energetic body-mind just as much as they can. But you will have many doable obstacles hid driving such as lowering from the client’s well-being circumstance or this undesirable weather conditions. Thus you will have many tentative conditions and so the reaching of company targets need a very long time along with patience. Planning: When comparing while using the strength based model, the truth administration model program is actually relatively set for the reason that client’s diversions and predilection are usually frequent. Depending on this particular a good expression program is actually exercised as well as the program are going to be hardly ever changed. Though the program seriously isnt quite detail due to the fact it’s only the optionally available positioning. Coordinating: The case management needs coordination between the exercise sponsor along with the client along with the relationships in between various client who take part in the particular undertakings. And also the sponsor also has to strategic the particular clients’ real understanding and other component much like the overall economy along with the climate etc ensure the particular design is manufactured in advance. Strengths and weaknesses of the case management model: Like the strength structured design, the situation administration design is usually very easy for being carried out given it is dependant on the actual precedence with the client’s on the undertakings in line with their own interests. This particular design is useful for both the internal in addition to physical advancement with the clients. However the weak spot can be that it is all to easy to possibly be persuaded through the delay factors like the normal problems as well as the client’s well-being situation in addition to any private things of each and every element. Also this specific design can’t possibly be up to date with the period going on combined with ageing as well as the decline with the client’s well-being. As a result right at the end, the client may perhaps dont have a skills to consider element or maybe the actual quality with the contribution will be lower. Perspectives of the disability people: The case management style will be carefully used in our life in addition to it’s an easy task to always be completed. This standpoint will be that style will probably be continuingly development in addition to boosted in the practice in general. Its going to play a respected position from the regaining as well as dealing with the particular infirmity issues. This achievable abilities in addition to hobbies will probably be discovered in the treatment from the handling therefore it will have any beneficial forthcoming with this style. Summary of the expected outcomes for the disabled: For your circumstance administration product, the client’s life is actually achieved as well as useful than before. Likewise this is very great for the emotional development much like the power primarily based product. And also will probably be a major participation towards the preparing of the products of the actual treatment method. However this product isnt great for acquiring a work for your client as well as you can easily help to make the client rely on people. Comparisons of the two models The energy structured model highlighting largely upon rising and invention your client’s strengths and skills and generates a technique according to this particular. Even so the case management model is a bit just like energy structured designs as they both equally take care your needs on the client. However the case management model related on the diversions on the client and assist them to sign up for general events so the purpose of cure will be finished through the local community occasion. Comparing while using energy structured model, the situation management model prepare is reasonably predetermined because the client’s hobbies and alternatives usually are continuous however the energy structured model is extremely versatile and maintain changing while using client’s predicament. The 2 designs also provide big difference while using managing element. The energy structured designs have to a higher level of managing between client as well as the case managem ent however the situation management model would like a superb partnership between pastime manager as well as the management and also the network amongst client. If your client have psychological goals we propose that they will simply select the energy structured model if the client contains the needs regarding actually need subsequently we’d better make use of the case management model for them. REFERENCES : Alliance for Children and Youth (2009) Strength-Based Approaches. Retrieved from: Human Services (2002) A Strength-Based Approach to Working with Youth and Families: A Review of Research retrieved from: The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Training Program (2007) Charting the Course Towards permanency for Children in Pennsylvania: An Administrators Overview retrieved from: Human Services (2002) A Strength-Based Approach to Working with Youth and Families: A Review of Research retrieved from: Harmandeep kaur