Sunday, December 8, 2019

Design Processes and Methods Reflection Paper

Question: Discuss about theDesign Processes and Methods Reflection Paper. Answer: Introduction The knowledge on pharmaceuticals and their applications in relevance to designing processes pushed my desire for understanding how they improve health of individuals and the community. I have had admiration for designing processes and methods alike and the manner with which they are applicable in the enhancement of day to day activities. To this effect, I have attended workshops on the usability of these designing methods and procedures, making the content in the paper not new to me at all. However, I wanted to refresh my knowledge on designing methods, and not only did the workshop play the role of a refresher, but I also learned new techniques. The new ideas I gained in the course of these workshops on designing techniques and their applicability in pharmacy rejuvenated my desire to understand more design methods. I have been working as a pharmacist for the past nine years and been issuing medicine to sick people on a daily basis, and have noted the changes in customer relations ea ch and every day. Health system is an organization of institution, resources and people which deliver medical care in order to meet the requirements of the population targeted. Therefore, design processes and methods are the motivating factors that facilitate the achievement of the desired delivery of medical care to patients. The basic concepts of design methods stipulate the manner in which they serve in the improvement of medical conditions of an individual, and the population. Particularly in Saudi Arabia, the health care systems are of low quality and sub standardized, and their affordability is difficult to the ordinary citizens (Hall, Tokars, Badreddine, Saad, Furukawa, Al Masri Trivedi, 2014). Patient-centered medical home (PCMH) offers care aimed at transforming delivery of primary healthcare to adolescents, children and adults (Creswell, 2013). It seeks for the improvement in effectiveness, efficiency and quality of care delivered while taking utmost considerations on the preferences and needs of patients. I understood that the adoption of concepts of PCMH benefits my practices in the field, to my patients and the nation as a while in the provisions of relevant healthcare. The practices of PCMH include practices led by physicians which allows patients access a personal expert, full process of orientation that provides comprehensive care and access to the facilities. Additional concepts include coordinated and integrated care which states the steps to ensure patients receive services, and a focus laid on safety and quality. Design research methods facilitate the creation of new systems for delivery that helps to achieve the aforementioned aims of these techniques and is based on quality research (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). The research is conducted through the exploration of smaller sizes of targeted samples and questions on how and why are elaborated on efficiently. As a result, it enhances better understanding of the cultural, aesthetic and emotional context of products hence helping me with appropriate methodologies on assessing the challenges in my work settings. I understood that this concept helps me improving my work to greater heights as it tailors healthcare services to the needs of my clients and the community I serve. The results of the methodology I conducted were based on cultural differences, disparity in income, education levels, insurance coverages gaps, and barriers to accessing healthcare services (Almalki, FitzGerald Clark, 2012). These helped me to overcome the constant discontentment by patients and the community on my pharmaceuticals as they provided a better understanding of the design processes better. Additionally, these results, as stated by my facilitator, are indispensable for the creation of design objects meant for improved methods in the delivery of healthcare services. My research insight was categorized into three major groups, community, individuals and individuals and community intersection, and they originated from the opinions of respondents. One of the respondents interviewed said that he wished he had more time and money for his treatment and cream which are expensive, but his children were his first priority in life. Lately, I have been experiencing challenges in implementing the knowledge on designing methods in my pharmacy business in order to improve my efficiency. Inherently, the understanding of designing processes and methods would take my work to greater levels and my objective for attending this workshop was to enhance better understanding. I achieved this through the many activities I was involved in, group processing and demonstrations from my group facilitator on better pharmaceutical practices and handing of customers. Therefore, the experience I gained from this workshop is applicable to my working environment. It is my firm conviction that I will improve as an individual and apply the knowledge and skills learned in tackling daily hurdles. I am looking forward to implementing PCMH concepts and design research methods to my work so as to improve the quality of services I offer. These would include organizations of clinics led by pharmacists and formulate management pf recycling medications as a means of preventing environmental pollution. Additionally it will prevent the use of disposed plastics of medicine that are capable of casing adverse effects to an individual leading to diseases such as cancer. These fresh ideas will help me in catering for my patients with more precision as I will have knowledge on the expected standards of medicinal care ought to be dispensed. I will be in a better position to tackle challenges, excitements, and mechanisms of fighting each and every problem that presents itself efficiently. I have developed a better understanding and technical know-how on the operations of concepts of designs and I feel adequately prepared to facilitate the implementation of these new ideas to my recognition on the applicability of design methods to improve work environments has changed for the better and I am excited in carrying on these concepts to my clinic and workstation. My expectations were far much exceeded by this workshop and I am more knowledgeable, prepared and confident, and more than excited in facilitating quality design programs for my patients. References Almalki, M. J., FitzGerald, G., Clark, M. (2012). The relationship between quality of work life and turnover intention of primary health care nurses in Saudi Arabia.BMC health services research,12(1), 1. Creswell, J. W. (2013).Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications. Hall, A. J., Tokars, J. I., Badreddine, S. A., Saad, Z. B., Furukawa, E., Al Masri, M., ... Trivedi, S. U. (2014). Health care worker contact with MERS patient, Saudi Arabia.Emerging infectious diseases,20(12), 2148-2152. Kutzin, J. (2013). Health financing for universal coverage and health system performance: concepts and implications for policy.Bulletin of the World Health Organization,91(8), 602-611. Rennke, S., Nguyen, O. K., Shoeb, M. H., Magan, Y., Wachter, R. M., Ranji, S. R. (2013). Hospital-initiated transitional care interventions as a patient safety strategy: a systematic review.Annals of internal medicine,158(5_Part_2), 433-440. Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., DeVault, M. (2015).Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons.

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